Tuesday 6 September 2016

it's all starting to get real :)

After reaching a technical milestone I decided that I really want to be able to run the code on a real 2600.

It took a bit of hunting before I found a working 2600 at a price I was willing to pay. Various were found ranging from $10 (parts only) to $399 (wonderfully presented, but $399 !).

In the end I found a 4 switch woody with 3 joysticks (including one of the awful original ones which still works) and a driving controller (untested but hopefully working), and a new power supply (+ the frayed cord original one) for less than $100.

Well, maybe 3 ½ switch as the game select switch is broken and needs a screwdriver or similar to reach - but it does work.

4 switch woody + Cuttle Cart

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